New Boat Cover!

Our new boat cover!

Our new boat cover!

We park our boat in a storage lot about five minutes from our house.  When I chose the lot the owner did not have any covered spots available, so I chose an exposed spot and ordered a boat cover.  Living in Florida means anything that sits outside gets cooked by the sun all day, over 200 days a year.  While we try to keep up with waxing the boat, keeping it covered extends

Bahamas Bound to Swim with the Pigs

Staniel cay yacht club

We just booked flights to Staniel Cay, Bahamas, to meet up with some great friends that are cruising on their sailboat through the Exumas.  We are very excited about the trip.  This will be our first sailing experience outside coastal Florida waters and we are looking forward to cruising the beautiful blue green waters of the Bahamas.  We plan to someday take our boat over to

Coffee on the Rode

sunrise key largoSunrise is one of my favorite times on the boat.  My First Mate likes to sleep in, so I make a cup of coffee and go up to the cockpit to watch the sunrise and the anchorage wake up.  In Florida, we often have dolphins and Manatees moving through the anchorage in the morning.  It is a very relaxing way to start the day and I miss it when we are not on the boat.

We have gone through a couple methods of making coffee on the boat.  At home we use