Category: Podcast

012 Catamaran vs. Monohull with Zero to Cruising


In this episode of The Sailing Rode Podcast we talk with Mike and Rebecca Sweeney about their transition from a catamaran to a monohull.

Listen to the podcast here or at the smartphone links below:

iPhone iTunes link
Android Stitcher link


Check out their cruising blog with over 2000 posts!

Buy their previous cruising PDQ 32 catamaran – ZTC is for Sale!

 ztc boat

Check out Rebecca’s boat workout site:  StrengthPLUS!

Follow her Facebook posts at:

ztc rebecca

Last Minute Christmas Gifts for Sailors

Did you wait too long to get something shipped in time for Christmas?  Check out these

011 Holiday Sailing and Boating Gift Guide

TSR logo xmasShow Notes

In this Episode of the podcast, we are helping you prep for the holidays with our Holiday Sailing Gift Guide, whether you are looking for a gift to buy a cruising sailor or ideas to give your significant other to buy for you, we have you covered.
You can listen to the podcast here or on the smartphone apps below:
Intro Chat
  • Help us add to our holiday sailing gift guide.  If you have a product you really like,  send us

Be Thankful for Your Steering

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Today is the American Thanksgiving holiday, a day when we often reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives.  I am personally very thankful to have Brandy in my life to share in our boating adventures.  I was also thinking about how thankful boaters are when their boats are in working order and how disappointing it can be when they break down.

On our last podcast Ken & Carol Gillstrom told us the story of them losing their steering hundreds of miles offshore and how they made it back to port safely.  The story prompted me to investigate various methods that can be used to restore steering if you primary steering is lost.

I found some great info on sailors that have tested various methods.  It looks like using a drogue is