In this episode of The Sailing Rode Podcast we talk with Mike and Rebecca Sweeney about their transition from a catamaran to a monohull.
Listen to the podcast here or at the smartphone links below:
iPhone iTunes link
Android Stitcher link
Check out their cruising blog with over 2000 posts!
Buy their previous cruising PDQ 32 catamaran – ZTC is for Sale!

Check out Rebecca’s boat workout site: StrengthPLUS!
Follow her Facebook posts at:
Last Minute Christmas Gifts for Sailors
Did you wait too long to get something shipped in time for Christmas? Check out these last minute gifts.
- Cruising Outpost – a great magazine about the cruising lifestyle
- Good Ole Boat – great magazine out loving slightly used good ole boats
- Wooden Boat – A beautiful magazine that will make you fall in love with wooden boats
- Practical Sailor – The consumer guide for sailing
- Attainable Adventure Cruising – becoming the ultimate cruising guide and the Adventure 40 is a cool boat design to check out
Sailing Stories
- Sailing is a Sport and Deserves your Respect by Andrew Mather, The Stanford Daily
- French cup skipper nearly loses foot in sailing accident
Please help us Support Podcast
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How it works: Patreon is designed for content creators, like us. We make podcasts and videos about sailing and you can help support our creations by signing up for a small fee per podcast. You can set a maximum monthly amount so if we release a lot of podcasts in one month, you still only pay your maximum amount. It is kind of like giving us a tip or buying us a drink after a good show.
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We wish you fair winds and hope to see you on the water soon.
Thanks for listening! – Steve & Brandy
The Sailing Rode Sailing Podcast